
Feeling good about doing good

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  • Have you ever experienced a situation where you felt really good after doing something kind for someone else? What happened?
    Yes, once I helped my friend with their homework, and they were very thankful. It made me feel proud and happy.
  • Have you ever been part of a group project or activity that aimed to help others? How did it make you feel?
    Yes, our class collected food for a food drive. It felt good to work together and help people who needed food.
  • Do you believe that doing good things for others can create positive energy in a community? Why or why not?
    Yes, when everyone does good things, it creates a positive feeling in the community, and people are happier together.
  • Have you ever donated something, like clothes or toys, to someone in need? How did it make you feel?
    I gave my old toys to a charity, and it made me feel good because I knew someone else could enjoy them.
  • Can you share a story about a time when you received help from someone, and it made you feel good?
    My classmate helped me find my lost book, and I felt really grateful and happy that they helped me.
  • Do you think helping others can make a person happy? Why or why not?
    Yes, helping others can make a person happy because it feels nice to be kind and make someone else smile.
  • If you had the opportunity to create a project to make your school or community better, what would it be, and how do you think it would make people feel?
    I would create a garden at school. It would make people happy to see flowers, and we could learn about plants together.
  • Why do you think it's important for people, even if they are busy, to take some time to do good things for others?
    Taking time to do good things makes the world a better place, and it shows that we care about each other.
  • How can small acts of kindness, like saying "thank you" or helping a friend with homework, contribute to making you and others feel good?
    Small acts of kindness show that we care about each other, and it makes us feel appreciated and happy.
  • What are some simple ways students like us can make a positive impact on our school or community?
    We can pick up trash, be kind to each other, and help our teachers. Small things can make a big difference.
  • How does it make you feel when you help someone in a small way, like holding the door open for them or assisting with a task?
    It makes me feel happy and good inside when I help someone.
  • In your opinion, why do you think people feel a sense of happiness when they do good things for others?
    When we do good things, it makes others happy, and that makes us happy too. It's like sharing joy.