
Traditions and Customs Review!

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  • What is the most important holiday in Vietnam?
    Lunar New Year / Tet Holiday
  • What does "vote" mean?
    To make a choice about your government.
  • BONUS question: name 6 countries in Asia.
    Cambodia, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand.....
  • BONUS question: Name 4 languages that are spoken in EUROPE
    Three languages that are spoken in Europe are...
  • Name something that is prohibited.
    Something that is prohibited is.....
  • Name 3 customs that people do on Christmas.
    On Christmas, people like to...
  • Name three customs that people do on Halloween.
    Trick - or - treating, eating candy, wear a costume
  • What is a groom?
    The man who is getting married.
  • BONUS question: name 3 things that are orange.
    Three things that are orange are.....
  • say three things about your favorite holiday or celebration.
    My favorite holiday is...
  • What is a bride?
    The woman who is getting married.
  • What are THREE "obligations" that you have?
    You must.....
  • What is a wedding?
    When two people have a celebration to get married.
  • Name THREE customs about weddings in Vietnam.
    During weddings in Vietnam....
  • What were women PROHIBITED from doing in the 19th century?
    They were not allowed to....
  • What is a "tradition" ?
    An event that people celebrated in the past and still in the present.
  • What is is called when 100 years passes?
    a century.
  • Name 3 customs that people do for the Mid-Autumn festival..
    During the Mid-Autumn festival.....
  • What does it mean to be "alone" ?
    To be without any other people.
  • Name one holiday that is NOT celebrated in Vietnam.
    One holiday that is not celebrated in Vietnam is....