
Easy Riddles...

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  • No parents react when teachers hit children in class, why?
    Because this is the class of the orphanage.
  • The head is like a cat, the feet are like a cat, and the ears are like a cat, but it's not a cat. So what is it?
  • What is between the sky and earth?
  • A glass filled with water, how to get the water at the bottom of the glass without pouring the water out?
    Use a straw.
  • Where there are roads, but no vehicles; there are houses, but no people; There are supermarkets, companies... but no goods... What kind of place is that?
    At the map
  • The picture of Monalisa, this beauty has nothing?
    No eyebrows.
  • In a race, you just passed the last person. So what position are you in?
    Last (Because there cannot be the last person and you are still behind the last person).
  • Which side is round and high? Beautiful peach sunshine?
  • A calls B uncle, B calls C grandfather, C calls D uncle, D calls E aunt, E calls F uncle, F calls Z son. What does A call Z?
    by mouth
  • People discovered the dead body of a young man hanging from the roof of the house. Below his feet, about 20 cm from the floor, was a large puddle of water. Ask him how he could climb to the roof and commit suicide?
    He committed suicide by standing on an ice block!
  • What can carry a large piece of wood but cannot carry a pebble?
  • What lies down when walking, what stands also lies down, but what lies down stays standing?
  • The blue ghost hits once and dies, the red ghost hits twice and dies. How can both of them die with just 2 hits?
    Hitting the blue ghost first was 1. The red ghost was so scared that his face turned pale (turned blue). Smash this new blue ghost again and that's enough 2.
  • A toad skin wrapped in tapioca starch, tapioca starch wrapped in chicken eggs, and the smell is so delicious that the whole family wants to eat it. What is that?
  • What do buyers know, sellers know, and consumers never know?
  • There is a basket of apples, there are three apples in the basket, how can you divide it among 3 people, one apple for each person, and still have one apple left in the basket?
    Then give 1 fruit to the first 2 people each. With one apple left in the basket, give the entire basket containing the apple to the other person
  • What does the panda wish for but never get?
    Because pandas only have 2 colors: black and white, he wishes to take color photos
  • There is 1 buffalo. Its head is facing the rising sun. It turns left 2 times, then turns back, then turns right 2 times. Which direction does its tail point?
    Point to the ground.
  • There are two wide-mouthed jars filled with water. How to put all the water in a pot and still know which water belongs to which pot (don't put the whole pot or any other water container in the pot)?
    Let it freeze into ice.
  • What can be cut and not broken, pulled apart and not dried, burned and not burned?
  • When does 5 divided by 3 equal 2?
    When we do wrong.
  • In which sport, the more you win, the more you lose?
    Car racing
  • Things that have the same square head and tail, a body divided into many segments very quickly and evenly, a lovely and sincere personality, want to know the length and shortness of everything with you? What?
  • It is square, the door is closed at both ends. 100 guys crawled out one by one. Whoever doesn't have a hat will be spared, whoever has a hat will have his head burned. What is that?
    Match box
  • I have 4 legs, 1 back but no body. Who I am?
  • Because of me I have to hit me, because of me I have to hit you. Ask what are you doing?
    Smash mosquitoes
  • Parents have six sons, each son has a younger sister. How many people are there in that family?
    9 people (6 sons, 1 younger sister and father, mother).