
Samurai - weapons, etc.

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  • Early medieval warriors depended on the bow and the horse. What was this 'mounted archery', called in Japanese?
  • What does 勇・ゆう mean?
    Heroic Courage >> Heroic courage is not blind. It is intelligent and strong.
  • 武士道・ぶしどう means 'a swords soul' - True or False?
    False! ぶしど means 'Samurai code of honour and morals' or 'The Way of the Samurai'
  • This is a 将軍・しょうぐん - what does that mean? What did they do?
    Shoguns were military leaders (of the Samurai). They had a lot of power in Japan.
  • What is the Japanese name for this double edged knife?
    短刀 ・ たんとう
  • What does 忠義・ちゅう mean?
    Duty & Loyalty >> To everyone that they are responsible for, they remain fiercely true.
  • What is the name of this long bladed pole weapon?
    薙刀 ・ なぎなた
  • What is the Japanese name for this knife weapon, known as 'the helmet breaker' or 'skull breaker'?
    兜割り ・ かぶとわり
  • Samurai would often practice things such as poetry, calligraphy, tea ceremony, etc. True or False?
  • What does 礼・れい mean?
  • How heavy was a 当世具足・とうせいぐそく?
    Approximately 30KG !?
  • What does 名誉・めいよ mean?
    Honor >> You cannot hide from yourself. The decisions you make and how you carry them out is a reflection of whom you truly are.
  • What is the name of the Longbow the Samurai is holding?
    弓 ・ ゆみ
  • What does 義・ぎ mean?
    Integrity >> Warriors make full commitment to their decisions.
  • What is the Japanese name for this?
    刀 ・ かたな
  • How long did warrior governments rule Japan for?
    Approximately 700 years!!
  • What does 仁・じん mean?
    Compassion >> If an opportunity does not arise, they go out of their way to find one. They help their fellow man at every opportunity.
  • What three periods in history did warrior governments rule Japan?
    Kamakura, Muromachi, and Tokugawa
  • Name at least one of the seven virtues of 武士道・ぶしどう
  • Could women be Samurai?
  • What does 真・まこと mean?
    Honesty & Sincerity >> Speaking and doing the same action.