
Q & A

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  • what is the meaning of the 3 Rs? Do you implement them
  • How do you imagine the world in 100 years?
  • Do you worry about the environment?
  • What different forms of pollution do you know of?
    Examples: Air pollution. Water pollution. Soil pollution. Radioactive pollution. Noise pollution.
  • Do you recycle? if so, how do you do it?
  • What are some ways to reduce plastic waste?
  • How bad is pollution in your town?
  • What is global warming?
    Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet's overall temperature. Though this warming trend has been going on for a long time, its pace has significa
  • What do you do every day that helps to reduce pollution?
  • How can we improve air quality in cities?
  • What kind of environmental policies does your country have/need?
  • What do you do every day that adds to pollution?
  • how can we reduce our footprint?
  • What stories have you read or heard recently about the environment?