
We the People 2.6

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  • What was a system of social, economic, and political organization ?
  • What is the most early example of a written statement limiting the government.
    Magna Carta
  • A statute that limited the English monarch's power to tax people without the consent of Parliament and guaranteed certain rights to English subjects
    Petition of Rights
  • Why was the Magna Carta an important document?
    It was the first example of a constitution in which both the government and people had to obey laws and limited the government
  • Name 3 rights that Englishmen enjoyed?
    answers will vary
  • Someone who owes allegiance to a government or ruler.
  • What is the legislative body of British government
  • Why was the creation of Parliament important?
    There was now separation of powers and a representative government that the king had to respect
  • Why did the American colonists have the rights of Englishmen?
    They were English citizens
  • What was the feudal system?
    The people of England belonged to either the royalty, nobles, or common people and the system was based on control of land
  • What was a act passed by parliament in 1689 that limited the power of the monarch?
    The English Bill of Rights
  • What is based on custom and decisions of law courts?
    Common Law
  • Basic legal claims established over time, that all subjects of the English monarch were understood to have. They included the right not to be kept in prison without a trial and the right to trial by jury.
    Rights of Englishmen
  • The principle that both those who govern and those who are governed must obey the law and are subject to the same laws.
    Rule of Law