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  • What were the Pilgrims looking for in the New World?
    Religious freedom
  • What were Pilgrims also called?
  • What was the name of the ship the Pilgrims sailed on?
  • What is a compact?
    An agreement
  • What do you call a person who makes a journey for religious purposes?
  • What was wrong with the ship Speedwell?
    It leaked
  • Who signed the Mayflower Compact?
    All of the male passengers.
  • What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?
    To set up rules and laws.
  • What were the Pilgrim leaders looking for when finding the right place to live?
    Fresh water, lumber, and large farming areas
  • The Pilgrims were supposed to land in Virginia. Where did they actually land?
  • What was the Mayflower Compact?
    A document that said the pilgrims all agreed to follow the laws.
  • The Pilgrims wanted to practice their religion freely. Where did they first move to try to do this?
    the Netherlands
  • The Pilgrims we are learning about were also called _________ because they wanted to separate themselves from the Church of England.
  • Why didn't the Pilgrims land where they were supposed to?
    A big storm blew them off course.
  • During the first winter, half of the Pilgrims______.
  • Who was William Bradford?
    A Separatist leader