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  • True or False: Mimicry is a physical adaptation?
  • What does the word behavior mean?
    The way an animal ACTS
  • What are two examples of physical adaptations?
    Mimicry and Camouflage
  • Name an animal that migrates
  • What does the word mimicry mean?
    Copying the way another animal looks or acts to survive.
  • True or False: Hibernation is a physical adaptation?
  • What are two examples of behavioral adaptations?
    Hibernation and migration
  • How do plant and animal adaptations help them?
    Help them survive from predators, weather, habitats, ect.
  • What are the two types of animal adaptations?
    Physical and Behavioral
  • What does the word migrate mean?
    To travel from one location to another in order to survive.
  • Give an example of an animal that uses camouflage to survive.
  • What does the word hibernate mean?
    To rest through the winter to save energy.
  • Name an animal that hibernates