
figurative language

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  • my plants were begging me for water after I had been away on vacation
    personification, the plants wanted water
  • the story jumped off the page, I couldn't put it down
    Personification, the story was good.
  • Her face was as white as a ghost when she got to the highest floor of the building
    Simile, She was scared
  • My speech teacher told the best joke, I was dying laughing
    Hyperbole, Laughing hard
  • I really wanted to sign up for the school team, but I missed the boat
    Metaphor, Too late
  • He talks a mile a minute
    hyperbole, talks fast
  • My dad was driving as slow as a snail, we were never going to get to school.
    Simile, Dad was driving slow.
  • During our state tests, you could hear a pin drop from a mile away
    hyperbole, it was really quiet
  • the camera loves you
    personification, you take good pictures
  • She packed everything but the kitchen sink in her bag, but at least she was prepared for all situations
    hyperbole, She packed a lot
  • He could sell Ice to an eskimo
    Metaphor, He is good at selling
  • I was as quite as a mouse when I got home after my curfew
    simile, really quiet
  • She was an open book when she told me her life story
    Metaphor, She has nothing to hide
  • my alarm clock yells at me to wake up in the morning
    personification, the alarm clock goes off
  • He was making a mountain out of a mole hill because no one got hurt.
    metaphor, Making a bigger deal
  • The trees danced in the wind
    personification, the trees moved
  • I love my students to the moon and back
    Hyperbole, Love a lot
  • I was as cool as a cucumber for my test because I was prepared
    Simile, not nervous
  • you have to keep your eye on the ball if you want to graduate on time
    metaphor, stay focused
  • Her heart was as cold as ice when she wouldn't let the kids eat their candy
    Simile, She was mean
  • After running around all day at school, I slept like a rock.
    Simile, I Slept well
  • My moms dinner could have fed an army
    hyperbole, It was a big dinner
  • you don't have to get so upset, I was just pulling your leg.
    Metaphor, just joking
  • I had to walk to the ends of the earth to find the right dress
    Hyperbole, search for a long time.
  • the wind whispered songs to me as I slept
    personification, the wind blew
  • My brother and I fight like cats and dogs, it always ends with someone getting hurt
    Simile, they fight a lot
  • the city never sleeps
    personification, there is always something happening in the city
  • They might be upset, but its no skin off my nose.
    Metaphor, It doesn't bother me