
Artur - 09.01

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  • Shower
    Душ/злива. What would you do if get under shower?
  • Застібати (пасок безпеки)
    Fasten. How important in your opinion is to fasten seatbelts in car?
  • Нежить
    Runny nose. What will you do if you have runny nose?
  • Suburbs
    Околиці. What's better, living in suburbs or downtown? Why?
  • Cooker
    Плита. When was the last time you used your cooker? What did you cook?
  • Заварник
    Teapot. Do you usually drink tea from teabags or teapots? Why?
  • Морепродукти
    Seafood. Do you like making seafood, how?
  • Cereal
    Пластівці. Is cereal a good idea for breakfast?
  • Quality
    Якість. What's more important, quality or quantity of friends?
  • Outdoors
    Навулиці. Do you prefer to spend your free time outdoors or indoors? What do you do?