
Never Give up: Vocabulary Review

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  • Use principled in a sentence.
    I know you will do the right thing because you are a principled person.
  • What does informal mean?
    Used in a relaxed way in everyday conversation or in casual writing.
  • Use informal in a sentence.
    The teacher told the class not to use informal language in their essays.
  • What does hinder mean?
    To hold back or stop the progress of.
  • What does principled mean?
    Motivated by or having principles.
  • What does interpretation mean?
    The act or process of explaining or understanding the meaning of something.
  • Use rhythm in a sentence.
    We danced to the rhythm of a waltz.
  • What does instance mean?
    A case, example, or occasion.
  • Use individual in a sentence.
    Stella has her own, individual style of telling a story.
  • What does universal mean?
    Of, having to do with, or characteristic of the whole world or the world’s population.
  • What does repetition mean?
    The act or process of repeating.
  • What does achieve mean?
    To get by trying hard.
  • What does rhythm mean?
    A particular type of such movement.
  • Use universal in a sentence.
    Universal peace seems like an impossible dream.
  • What does alliteration mean?
    The repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in a phrase or sentence.
  • Use repetition in a sentence.
    Repetition is a good way to learn how to say difficult words.
  • What does soil mean?
    To bring shame or disrespect to, disgrace.
  • What does accomplishments mean?
    Something that has been successfully done or completed, an achievement.
  • Use achieve in a sentence.
    She achieved a good grade on her math test.
  • What does individual mean?
    Having characteristics that show that something is different from others.
  • Use instance in a sentence.
    In this instance, I will excuse you.