
Reported Speech and Questions

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  • Paul said, “I don’t like my new flat.” Paul said that ________________________________________________________________________ .
    he didn’t like his new flat.
  • Judy complained, “I have already written this essay four times.” Judy complained that _________________________________________________________________ .
    she had already written that essay four times.
  • The teacher said to Jenny, „You have to learn your grammar.” The teacher told Jenny________________________________________________________________ .
    that she had to learn her grammar. / to learn her grammar.
  • The neighbour said, “Don’t make so much noise.” The neighbour told us ______________________________________________________________ .
    not to make so much noise.
  • He asked me, “Do you speak English?” He asked me _______________________________________________________________________ .
    if I spoke English .
  • Her boyfriend told her,” You have bought a wonderful dress.” Her boyfriend told her that ___________________________________________________________ .
    that she had bought a wonderful dress.
  • Sophie said, “I went to bed early last night.” Sophie said that ______________________________________________________________________
    that she had gone to bed early the night before.
  • .Mom said, “You must see a doctor”. Mom said that ______________________________________________________________________ .
    I had to see a doctor.
  • Roy said, “I own two cars.” Roy said that _______________________________________________________________________ .
    he owned two cars
  • Peter announced, “I will not give up until this factory is shut down.” Peter announced that ________________________________________________________________
    he would not give up until that factory was shut down
  • Gloria explained, “I can’t come to the party because I’m going away for the weekend.” Gloria explained that _________________________________________________________________ .
    she couldn’t / wasn’t able to come to the party because she was going away for the weekend.
  • he park attendant said, “Don’t walk on the grass!” The park attendant warned us ______________________________________________________ .
    not to walk on the grass .
  • Mark said, “My friend found a new job in the music business.” Mark said that ________________________________________________________________________ .
    his friend had found a new job in the music business.
  • Marty said, “I’m going to visit my uncle next month.” Marty said that _______________________________________________________________________ .
    that he was going to visit his uncle the following month.
  • Mary -'Can I take the dog for a walk?' Mary asked _______________________________________________________________ .
    if she could take the dog for a walk.
  • She said, “I’m very tired and can’t come with you. She said that _______________________________________________________________________ .
    she was very tired and couldn't come with me.
  • He told me, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.” He told me that_______________________________________________________________________ .
    that I was the most beautiful girl in the world he had ever seen.
  • She asked me,” Where have you been?” She asked me ______________________________________________________________________ .
    where I had been
  • The students said, “Please don't give us any homework. The students begged the teacher ___________________________________________________ .
    not to give them any homework .
  • Maria said, “He has never written to me before.” Maria said that _____________________________________________________________________ .
    he had never written to her before .
  • My father told Ben, “I am sure I saw you here last week. My father told Ben that _______________________________________________________________ .
    that he was sure he had seen him there the week before
  • Mary said, “I will play a card game tomorrow.” Mary informed me that _____________________________________________________
    that she would play a card game the following day.
  • Father said, “Go to your room and stay there.” Father ordered me _________________________________________________________________ .
    to go to my room and stay there .
  • Lara said, “I get on with my parents really fine.” Lara said that_________________________________________________________________________ .
    she got on with her parents really fine.
  • .He asked me, “Why didn’t you phone me?” He asked me _______________________________________________________________________ .
    why I hadn't phoned him.
  • He asked me, “Are you alright? He asked me _______________________________________________________________________ .
    if I was alright
  • Mom said, “I haven’t seen him in the last few days.” Mom said that that _________________________________________________________________ .
    she hadn't seen him in the few days before .
  • Oliver said, “Please, can I have some more food?” Oliver asked ________________________________________________________________________ .
    if he could have some food .
  • She said to me, “Close your eyes!” She told me ________________________________________________________________________ .
    to close my eyes.
  • Betty said, „If I knew the answer, I would tell you.” Betty said that _______________________________________________________________________ .
    if she had known the answer she would have told me/us.
  • Jessica told the immigration officer,” This is my first trip to England.” Jessica told the immigration officer that ______________________________________________ .
    it/that was her first trip to England.
  • The teacher said, “I won’t be here next year.” The teacher said that _______________________________________________________________ .
    he/she wouldn't be there the following year.