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  • When our bodies don't produce enough energy what type of acid is it that we feel?
    lactic acid
  • What is the equation for aerobic respiration?
    glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + energy
  • anaerobic respiration in animals
    glucose turns to lactate + energy
  • name the 4 things energy is used for
    heat, movement, growth and reproduction
  • Which one uses oxygen
  • Anaerobic respiration is involved in making
    bread and wine and beer
  • anaerobic respiration in plants equation
    glucose turns to carbon dioxide + alcohol + energy
  • What is our body fuel?
  • Which one releases more energy?
    aerobic respiration
  • What is the test for carbon dioxide?
    Turns limewater milky
  • Name 3 similarities between the types of respiration
    both use glucose, both release energy and occurs in plants and animals
  • What are the names of the 2 types of respiration?
    aerobic and anaerobic