
G6 Ch4 L4.2 Succession & Changes in Ecosystems O ...

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  • Explain comparative and homologous structures.
    Similar features in different organisms / similar body parts that meet different needs
  • What is the difference between a pioneer species and a pioneer community? Give an example of both.
    individual organisms that are the first to colonize a new or disturbed habitat / initial group of organisms that establishes itself early in succession
  • Explain the significance of wetlands as an ecosystem.
    natural filters that help clean and purify the water, prevent flooding, habitats for a large variety of living things, etc.
  • Explain how succession will take place once a farmer stops ploughing the land.
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
  • What role does sunlight play in succession?
    It's the key driver of ecological succession, influencing the establishment, growth, and competition among plant species.
  • How might desertification affect people living on the edge of a desert?
    The desert could spread to their community, deplete topsoil, reduce viability of survival, etc.
  • How does secondary succession take place after something like a forest fire?
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  • How can the process of succession be observed in a pond ecosystem?
    Pond --> Marsh --> Dry land
  • What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?
    Primary succession begins in areas devoid of soil, while secondary succession occurs on pre-existing soil that has been disturbed.
  • How does the formation of new land affect succession?
    Bare substrate, soil formation, disturbance events, recovery & progression, etc.