
Future - present continuous

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    She is meeting David at the train station tomorrow
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    What are you doing on Saturday night?
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    They are going to the cinema tonight
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    They are not having a barbecue at the weekend
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    Are we playing badminton on Sunday?
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    I am flying to New York tomorrow morning
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    Our class is visiting a museum next week
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    I am starting university in September
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    I am not going to the party tonight
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    We are not going to school tomorrow
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    Our grandparents are visiting us this Christmas
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    We are doing a History exam in two days
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    We are not meeting at two o'clock
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    Are you coming tomorrow?
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    What is she doing tonight?
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    We are staying at home on Thursday
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    I am studying Maths tomorrow
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    He is arriving tomorrow morning about 7:30
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    Is he seeing a doctor tomorrow?
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    He is working next Wednesday
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    Sally is meeting John at seven o'clock this evening
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    My mum is helping me make a cake tomorrow
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    We are not listening to music later
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    I am meeting my friend after school
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    I am staying with a friend for the weekend
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    She is not doing her homework after dinner
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    Are you meeting your friend at four?
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    Nick is spending time with his family tonight
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    My grandma is coming for dinner tomorrow
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    What are we having for dinner later?
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    I am not going to the dentist next week
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    They are going on holiday in summer
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    Are Jamie and his family flying to Toronto next week?
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    When are you starting your new job?
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    We are not studying this evening
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    Are you going to the party next weekend?
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    She is not going on a long trip soon
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    She is playing football next Saturday
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    I am taking the train to Paris tomorrow
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    John and Samantha are getting married tomorrow
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    We are staying in a small hotel next week
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    They are leaving on Friday
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    You are not meeting your cousin later