
Adc 13

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  • Kate said the sharks.........interesting
  • ........................? There are 6 people in my family
    How many people are there in your family?
  • What do you think is boring?
    I boring
  • What did you buy your mother
    I bought her a............
  • What's your favorite subject?
    I like....
  • ..........................? She should get him a teapot
    what should she get her father/brother?
  • Whose watch is that?(Zohre)
    It's Zohre's watch=> it's hers
  • Lecture
  • What did you give your brother yesterday?
    I gave him a.....
  • Whose books are those?(Ali)
    They're Ali's books
  • .......................? It's Ana's pen
    whose pen is that?
  • ......................? I was drinking some water when it started to rain
    What were you doing when it started to rain