
Allied with Green and Big Rocks' Balancing Act

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  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What can geologists conclude about an area where only very large balanced rocks exist?
    It would be a good place to build a bridge or dam
    the rocks have been standing there for a very long time
    there has never been an earthquake
    Large earthquakes have occurred there
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Found at the beginning of sections in a passage- help the reader know what different sections of the text are about
    special print
    subtitles & headings
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What forms on rocks that shows it has been hit by cosmic rays?
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Found at the beginning of sections in a passage- help the reader know what different sections of the text are about
    special print
    subtitles & headings
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What text structure is the signal word "below" used in?
    Cause and Effect
    Chronological Order
    Problem and Solution
    Spatial Order
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Why study balanced rocks?
    Because it's cool
    To see earthquake patterns
    To get interesting pictures
    Find out more history
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: A coincidence is something that is
  • Allied With Green: Robert Isabell is important to Lucy because ____________.
    he traveled the world in search of interesting plants
    he was a party planner known throughout New York
    his beliefs about the environment are similar to her own
    his life represented a skill that she would like to have
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Found under pictures, diagrams, charts or photographs to help the reader better understand the picture of diagram.
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What text structure is the signal word "as a result" used in?
    Problem and Solution
    Cause and Effect
    Chronological Order
    Compare and contrast
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What is referred to as an Odd Hobby?
    Taking photographs
    Collecting rocks
    Studying balanced rocks
    Hanging out with geologists
  • Allied With Green: The context clues in paragraph 10 suggest that demonstrated is the act of —.
    doing homework from a professor
    showing how to complete a task by example
    shaming people who steal plants
    openly protesting beliefs toward an issue
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What text structure is the signal word "later that summer" used in?
    Problem and Solution
    Chronological Order
    Spatial Order
    Cause and Effect
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What does the author mean when he says, the rock is getting sunburned?
    The rock is being hit by cosmic rays
    The rock is being split apart
    The rock is changing color
    The rock is being eroded
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: This type of writing is usually in chronological order.
    problem & solution
    cause & effect
    compare & contrast
    order & sequence
  • Allied With Green: What supports the idea that not many people care about nature and going green?
    People helping plant trees.
    Lucy teacher once have her a C on a test about going green.
    When people volunteer to help with nature.
    When people water their plants.
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: This type of writing gives information step-by-step.
    problem & solution
    cause & effect
    compare & contrast
    order & sequence
  • Allied With Green: Why does the author describe air and green as “close cousins” (line 77)?
    Both need tending
    Both are necessary for life
    Both are threatened by pollution.
    People take both for granted.
  • Allied With Green: Early in the story, the statement "That’s how everything starts" is meant to show that ____________.
    talking about the environment leads to arguments
    being “green” is essential to the character of Lucy
    belief in “the color green” should begin in childhood
    the world could not survive without its plant life
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What do you need to do to show a direct quote is an author's exact words?
    Say that it is the author's exact words
    Use quotation marks around it
    Put it in bold
    Underline it
  • Allied With Green: The author mentions Seattle, Dallas, and San Antonio to suggest that ____________.
    places have different ideas of how to care for nature
    cities are in danger of having no green spaces
    people in many places appreciate green spaces
    only a few cities are trying to care for the environment
  • Allied With Green: Theme of a story is
    the main idea of the story
    the sequence of main events that happens in the story.
    a message about life or human nature.
    tells the reader information about the story
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Where on Earth can you sit on a boulder that is 5-6 millions years old?
    Rocky Mountains
    Grand Canyon
    Olympus Range
  • Allied With Green: What is the theme of Allied With Green?
    Don't hurt animals,and respect living things.
    Respect only trees not leaves or anything else nature.
    Don't step on leaves,or you will die.
    You should respect and appreciate the environment and plants
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Bedrock is rock that is located
    where earthquakes have not occured
    in the desert
    on top of the soil
    under the sand soil and gravel
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What hobby does the author refer to in the heading Odd Hobby?
    taking photographs
    flying airplanes
    studying earthquakes
    studying rocks
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: The author compares the rocks to giant brown marshmallows in order to help the readers pictures their
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: A gradual change takes place
    very rapidly
    little by little
    with difficulty
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: In this type of writing, the reader will see words/phrases such as because, as a result of, and due to.
    order & sequence
    compare & contrast
    cause & effect
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Richard Brune seems to be what type of a person?
  • Allied With Green: Why does Lucy choose to write about “the color green” for her paper?
    She notices green things wherever she goes.
    Green is her favorite color.
    A drought has been threatening green plants.
    Green plants are important to her.
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What caused there to be big rocks balancing on top of other big rocks?
    Water from the Last Ice Age
    Tropical storms
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What evidence does Rood give to support his claim that the rocks were carved during the last Ice Age?
    there was more water then
    there were more rocks then
    the bedrock was weaker then
    there were more earthquakes then
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: A gully is
    a deep hole
    a large rock
    a gentle slope
    a swift stream
  • Allied With Green: Imagery is
    words and phrases that appeal to the senses
    painting a picture
    comparing two unlike things using like or as.
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Photos or pictures used to help the reader visualize something in the passage
  • Allied With Green: Why does Lucy’s father feel guilty?
    The plants he put at the restaurant were stolen overnight.
    There are more parking lots now than when he was in college.
    He plants trees on the highway median, but people steal them
    He demonstrated against highways, but now he drives on them.
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Where on Earth can you sit on a boulder that is 5-6 millions years old?
    Olympus Range
    Rocky Mountains
    Grand Canyon
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: In this type of writing the reader will find words/phrases such as a problem is, solve,or solution.
    problem & solution
    order & sequence
    cause & effect
    compare & contrast
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: Places that haven't experienced large earthquakes you can find what kind of rocks?
    human placed
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: How would you know if a text was written in problem-solution text structure?
    The text would define and describe one main topic
    The text would explain the steps of an event in time order
    The text would show how two things are similar and different
    The text would explain one main issue, and the solution.
  • Allied With Green: Using the metaphor in paragraph 3, the author emphasizes that Lucy-
    notices nature continues to grow in cities and poor homes
    believes people who are in hospitals need to see nature
    wants to help plant good landscaping near roads and rivers
    spends time looking for signs of nature in places she knows
  • Allied With Green: The author uses personification in paragraphs 11–12 to —.
    show that nature brings objects to life
    suggest that nature improves happiness
    indicate that nature has power over people
    express that nature adds beauty to daily life
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What text structure is the signal word "by contrast" used in?
    Problem and Solution
    Compare and contrast
    Cause and Effect
    Chronological Order
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: What text structure is the signal word "at the same time" used in?
    Chronological Order
    Cause and Effect
    Problem and Solution
    Spatial Order
  • Allied With Green: Which of the following is a theme?
    There are a lot of students in this school.
    It is important to take part in your community.
    I like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
  • Allied With Green: What DOESN'T support the idea that some people care about going green and also love nature.
    People who throw trash on the road or treat nature horribly.
    When people take care of their trees
    When people pick up trash around plants and nature.
    When people water and take care of any plants.
  • Allied With Green: What does the author mean by the statement, “No one goes to Seattle to see the concrete.” (line 59)?
    People don't respect what Seattle has to offer.
    People go to Seattle because of all the green space there.
    The buildings in Seattle are not very interesting.
    Seattle is too far to travel just to see buildings.
  • Big Rocks' Balancing Act: This type of writing considers similarities and differences.
    order & sequence
    cause & effect
    compare & contrast