
Class Rules

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  • Use hand signals and ______________________ on task
  • When is it okay to interrupt the teacher?
    getting sick, emergencies (fire, flood, etc)
  • What does it mean to respect your teacher?
    follow directions, use manners, do not interrupt
  • What does think time mean?
    Fill out a form about the rule(s) you have broken
  • What does respect your school mean?
    clean up after yourself, no vandalizing, do not take things that do not belong to you
  • What happens if you break a rule a third time?
    think time
  • what does a redirect mean?
  • What types of things would make you go straight to the principal?
    Violence, vandalism, bullying
  • What does hand signals mean?
    Raise your hand to answer questions, without blurting out
  • What happens when you break a rule the first time?
  • What does listen mean?
    not talking, paying attention, not fidgeting or moving around the room?
  • Listen and follow ______________________
  • What happens if you break a rule a second time?
  • What does respect your classmates mean?
    using your manners, asking for permission, keeping quiet so others can work etc
  • What are some non examples of "keep your hands and feet to yourself"?
    play fighting, taking others things, grabbing onto others etc.
  • What happens if you break a rule a fourth time?
  • What does stay on task mean?
    work on your assignments without bothering others
  • Keep your hand and feet to ____________________
  • What does a sideline mean?
    move away from the whole class and stay until you are ready to rejoin the class
  • What does follow directions mean?
    Complete the directions that are given by the teacher/ EA
  • ____________________ your classmates, school and teachers