
Future simple

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  • When do you think we ... (have) our next test?
    will have
  • There ... (be) sunshine with some clouds in Warsaw tomorrow.
    will be
  • ... this concert ... (raise) money for our school club?
    Will / raise
  • ... you please help me to do my homework?
  • "The phone is ringing. I ... (answer) it".
    will answer
  • Maybe, we ... (go) to France this year.
    will go
  • I think I ... (go) on holiday to Spain.
    will go
  • A: Are you ready to order, sir? B: I think so. I ... (have) a hamburger, please.
    will have
  • I ... (be) there at 7 o'clock. I promise.
    will be
  • Do you think people ... (live) on the moon in your lifetime?
    will live
  • She ... (be) fine tomorrow.
    will be
  • Maybe, it ... (rain) tomorrow and maybe, it ... .
    will rain / won't
  • Maybe, I ... (bake) some cookies tomorrow.
    will bake
  • I promise that I ... (pay) you back as soon as I can.
    will pay
  • In London ... (be) foggy with a temperature of 10 degrees.
    will be
  • Sea levels ... (rise) by 2100.
    will rise
  • A: ... you be twenty years old next month? B: Yes, I ... .
    Will / will
  • These bags look heavy. Lets me help you. I ... (carry) the big one for you.
    will carry
  • I think it ... (storm) soon.
    will storm
  • I hope Tom ... (pass) the driving test.
    will pass
  • ... you help me, please?
  • A: ... you marry me? B: Yes, I ... .
    Will / will
  • ... you open the window, please?
  • We ran out of milk. I ... (go) to the shop.
    will go
  • When I grow up, I ... (live) in a big house.
    will live
  • "Hello Mr. Smith. This is Peter. I ... (not/be) at work today, because I'm sick".
    won't be
  • The movie ... (start) soon. Let's find a seat and sit down.
    will start
  • A: ... your friend be at the party? B: No, she ... .
    Will / won't
  • It ... (be) midnight in a few minutes. It's time to go to bed!
    will be
  • When ... I ... (see) you again?
    will / see