
Safe at School: COVID-19

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  • Although symptoms may vary, the main symptoms caused by Covid-19 are sneezing, coughing, a sore throat and a _________ .
  • What are the 4 w's for staying safe from COVID?
    Wash Your Hands, Watch Your Distance, Wear a Mask, and Open Windows
  • Where will you eat your breakfast and/or lunch?
    In the classroom
  • When is it OK to take off your mask?
    Only when eating or during a monitored break
  • You should bring this item to school to avoid using the water fountain.
    A water bottle
  • What should you do if you need to sneeze or cough?
    Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow
  • If your hands are not clean, what should you avoid touching?
    Your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • What must you wear throughout the day?
    A Mask
  • True or False: If you don't have any symptoms, you are definitely NOT contagious.
  • How much distance should be maintained between you and others?
    6 feet
  • What should you do as soon as you enter the classroom?
    Use the sink to wash your hands with soap.
  • What types of greetings should we avoid?
    Anything involving physical contact (examples: hugs, handshakes).
  • How long should you wash your hands with soap?
    At least 20 seconds. (sing the alphabet)
  • True or False: You should NOT share your supplies with other students.
  • If you are not able to wash your hands, what should you do instead?
    Use hand sanitizer
  • True or False: You do not have to social distance during a fire drill.
  • What should you do if you don't feel well when you wake up in the morning?
    Tell your parents and stay home
  • How many students at are allowed in the bathroom at the same time?
  • What should you do if you start to feel sick at school?
    Let the teacher or staff know right away.