
Bigger Than a Monster Truck

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  • What is a vehicle? Give an example
    A vehicle is a machine that transports things. Examples include the Duck, Vehicle Bridge, Cranes, Dump Trucks, Overland Trains, Mo
  • Can you think of something bigger than a monster truck?
    The Bagger 288, The Duck, Vehicle Bridge, Crane, Dump Truck, Overland Train, Moving Space Vehicle, Giant Power Shovel, Tunnel Digger,
  • What is a wheel?
    a round object that turns around central points
  • Do overland trains move on wheels or tracks?
    Overland trains move on big wheels instead of on train tracks.
  • What do dump trucks move?
    The biggest dump trucks move rocks and dirt. They have some of the biggest tires in the world.
  • What is a bridge?
    a structure built to allow passage over something, such as a river
  • Where does a tunnel digger dig?
    Tunnel diggers can dig under the ground, even through rock.
  • What is a crane?
    A crane is a machine that lifts and moves things. Some cranes help build tall buildings, and others move things from ships to land.
  • What are mines?
    places where minerals are taken from the ground by digging or blasting
  • What is a bucket?
    a part of a machine used to dig in the ground or carry rocks, dirt, or other materials
  • What does a crane do?
    Cranes lift and move things, including helping build tall buildings and moving items from ships to land.