
Unit 5 Quiz #1: Japan

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  • Be able to label the map of feudalism in Medieval Japan.
    see image
  • Why was feudalism important to Japan?
    it provided a system of governance and stability, facilitating local administration, military defense, and societal order during a time of decentralized power.
  • What was the Shinto in Medieval Japan? Give an example.
    Animism- all natural things have Kami (Spirit) People ask Kami for help Belief that all natural things are alive. Examples: Mountains & Rivers
  • Describe Medieval Japan’s geography.
    Chain of islands Covered by mountains Fisherman & traders Covered by water (easy to trade) Only 20% of land can be farmed
  • What code did the samurai follow?
  • Who were the samurai?
    Nobles formed private armies to protect their lands and gave the men land if they agreed to fight = samurai.
  • What is feudalism in Medieval Japan?
    Feudalism in Medieval Japan was a hierarchical social and political structure where land was granted by the emperor to daimyos (lords) in exchange for military
  • During Nara 700 AD in Japan, only the wealthy would be officials? Why might this be a limitation?
    The lack of fair representation of everyone.
  • Who was Prince Shotoku? What inspired his reforms?
    He wanted a strong government like the Chinese. Creates constitution. Organized
  • Who were the first settlers in Medieval Japan? Why were they important to Japan?
    Yayoi (clan): Ancestors of the Japanese Introduced farming Grew rice in paddies Made metal