
Respiratory System

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  • What is an acute respiratory disease?
    short term illness or disease
  • What are the numerous small airways that fill our lungs?
  • What helps keep the trachea open
    Rings of cartilage
  • What gas do we inhale and what gas do we exhale
    inhale oxygen exhale carbon dixoide
  • What type of blood vessel surrounds the alveoli
  • What is the middle section of the pharynx
  • What is number 7 on the diagram?
  • What pathogen causes the illness influenza
    a virus
  • URI
    Upper respiratory infection
  • How does the respiratory system related to the digestive system?
    both systems share the pharynx and the mouth
  • Coughing up blood or blood in the sputum
  • What does a pulse oximeter measure?
    Percent of oxygen in our cells/tissues
  • Epiglottis
    flap of elastic cartilage attached to the larynx that closes when food passes by
  • What is dyspnea?
    Difficulty breathing
  • What is the. main function of the respiratory system?
    The main function of the respiratory system is the exchange of gasses - oxygen enters the body and carbon dioxide is removed.
  • Trachea
    a hollow tube (wind pipe) that connects the larynx to the right and left bronchus
  • What are numbers 5 & 9 on the diagram?
  • Which lung is smaller and why
    left lung because the heart takes up some area
  • Alveoli
    the air sacks at the end of the bronchioles where the gas exchange takes place
  • What is the medical term for the windpipe
  • What cranial nerve is responsible for identifying smells
    olfactory nerve
  • What are the functions of the nasal cavities
    warm, moisten and filter the air
  • What does the word ventilation mean
  • Larynx
    hollow muscular organ which holds the vocal cords (voice box) which produce sound
  • Bronchioles
    the smallest air passageways coming off of the bronchi
  • What are 3 safety measures to use with oxygen use?
    No smoking, no electrical devices, no wool blankets, keep tubing neat
  • What is a Chronic Respiratory Disease?
    long term or constant disease or disorder
  • Bronchus
    the 2 major air passages leading from the trachea to the lungs
  • What is the main organ of the respiratory system?
    the lungs
  • What is number 11 on the diagram?
  • What is the name of the muscles between the ribs that help us breathe
  • What is number 1 on the diagram?
    Nose or nasal cavity
  • What is the medical word for blue discoloration of the skin due to a lack of oxygen
  • What is the normal adult respiratory rate
    12-20 per minute
  • How is the respiratory system related to the muscular system?
    the muscular system uses oxygen which is brought into the body through the respiratory system; the diaphragm (a muscle) helps to bring air into and out of the l
  • What is the dome shape muscle located under the lungs
  • Lungs
    the organ that carries out the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • Cilia
    tiny hair-like structures that line your respiratory pathways & filter the air we breathe
  • What is number 8 on the diagram?
  • What is surfactant?
    Fatty substance that keeps the alveoli plump
  • What type of sleep apnea is more common
    Obstructive sleep apnea
  • What is coryza more commonly known as?
    a cold
  • How is the respiratory systems related to the circulatory system?
    the blood from the circulatory system has to pass through the lungs where carbon dioxide is released from the blood and oxygen is picked up into the blood
  • Pharynx
    the passage that leads from the cavities of the nose and mouth to the larynx
  • Treating all body fluids as if they were infected with a blood borne pathogen
    Standard precautions
  • Diaphragm
    a sheet of internal skeletal muscle that pulls and pushes against the lungs as we inhale and exhale
  • What is the diaphragm? (2 part answer)
    1. A muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity & 2. Pushes and pulls against the lungs as we breathe