
Elective "science in mind": Revision of the Term ...

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  • What does "cold-blooded animal" mean?
    Cold-blooded animals have a variable body temperature.
  • What ecological problems do we have in Kazakhstan?
    Your answers
  • Is a spider an oviparous or viviparous animal?
  • What parts does the plant have?
    1.root 2.stem 3.leaves 4.petal 5.anther
  • What is air pollution? Examples?
    Air pollution is caused from burning fossil fuels in factories, cars, etc.
  • How many types of pollution do we have?
    5: Land, air, water, noise, light
  • Is a fish a warm-blooded or cold-blooded animal?
  • Using both sides of paper - is it good or bad for environment?
  • Leaving the lights on when not needed - is it good or bad for environment?
  • What is water pollution? Examples?
    Water pollution is when water is polluted with waste or chemicals. For example, plastic bottles in oceans, factory waste.
  • What conditions are needed for the growth of the seed?
    1. Water 2. Warmth 3. Sunlight 4. Nutrients 5. Good quality seed
  • What does "warm-blooded animal" mean?
    Warm-blooded animals have a constant body temperature.
  • What does "viviparous animal" mean?
    Viviparous animals are born from their mother's womb and look like their parents.
  • Is a rabbit an oviparous or viviparous animal?
  • What is light pollution? Examples?
    Too much artificial light is produced. In cities. Baby turtles can't find the ocean;(
  • What is land pollution? Examples?
    Land pollution is when the land is polluted with waste or chemicals. For example, throwing the rubbish on the ground, landfiils.
  • Does a seed have a coat?
    Yes! It is called a seed coat :)
  • What is seed germination?
    Seed germination is the growth of a seed into a plant.
  • What is noise pollution? Examples?
    Excessive or unpleasant sounds. In cities - stress, poor sleep and relaxation.
  • What does "oviparous animal" mean?
    Oviparous animals are born from eggs.
  • Is a bear a warm-blooded animal?