
BS2 Unit 5.2

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  • True or False: Animals do not use trees for their homes
  • What can you do to help the environment?
  • True or False: Pollution only affects land, not air or water
  • True or False: Refuges provide animals with a safe place to live
  • You can help clean up polluted lakes by...
    picking up trash.
  • True or False: All items made from Earth can be recycled
  • True or False: A refuge provides animals with more food than usual
  • Recycling helps reduce pollution
  • Match the sentence halves: We can protect Earth by...
    using less of everything on Earth.
  • Match the recycled item to its bin: A glass bottle goes in the _____ bin
  • True or False: Learning about animals has no impact on their protection
  • Plants and animals can be taken to a refuge
  • True or False: Walking or riding bikes instead of driving does not help keep the air clean
  • Pollution is the addition of harmful substances to the environment
  • True or False: Reusing items can help reduce the need to use new resources
  • How does reusing an item help the environment?
    It prevents waste and conserves resources.
  • Why do people cut down trees?
    To use the wood.
  • True or False: You should turn off the water while brushing your teeth to save water
  • What can you do with an item you normally throw in the trash?
    Repurpose it into something new.
  • How does reusing paper help protect Earth?
    It reduces the need to cut down trees.
  • How can learning about animals help protect them?
    By understanding their needs and how to preserve their habitats.
  • A refuge is a place where people can build homes and factories
  • You can recycle by writing on both sides of a paper
  • How can people help protect forest habitats?
    By planting new trees.
  • What happens to animals when people cut down trees?
    They may lose their habitats.
  • What item can be reused to make a vase?
    A used bottle.
  • What is the term for changing something so it can be used again?
  • What can you place in a yellow bin for recycling?
  • True or False: Only paper and plastic can be recycled
    not metal or glass