
ESL Trivia

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  • What is the opposite of "fast"?
  • What is 6 doubled?
  • What do you call a baby cat?
  • What is the plural form of "cat"? (more than one)
  • How do you ask for the time in English?
    What time is it?
  • What can you use to cut paper
  • Make a sentence using the word "school."
    I go to school everyday
  • What's another way to say "hello" in English?
    How are you?, Good morning, Good afternoon, Good night, Hi, Howdy, Hey, Yo, What's up?
  • Make a sentence using the word "playground."
    I play at the playground
  • spell "5" with letters
    f i v e
  • Make a sentence using the word "friend."
    I see my friend at school
  • What's another way to say "no" in English?
    nope, sorry, nuh-uh, nah, no way
  • Name three things you find in a backpack.
    books, pencils, paper, homework, scissors, crayons, folders etc
  • What's a nice way to say "shut up"
    Can you please be quieter?
  • What month is it now?
  • Name three animals that live in the ocean.
    any three ocean animals
  • What can you use to write on paper?
    A pencil or pen (or something else)
  • What number comes after 39?
    40 (forty)
  • What do you call the season with snow and cold weather?
  • What is half of 12?
  • What clothes do I wear if it's very cold outside? (name one)
    jacket, hat, snow boots, snow pants, mittens etc
  • What is the opposite of "day"?
  • What's the opposite of "big"?
  • What is 5 + 3?
  • What do you call a place where you can buy food?
    mart, market, supermarket, store
  • Name three animals that can fly
    pigeon, eagle, dragon, mosquito, bat, sparrow, etc
  • Make a sentence using the word "movie."
    I like watching movies
  • What do you call a baby dog?
    A puppy
  • What is the opposite of "old"?
  • Name something you can do in a park.
    play, run, swing, picnic etc
  • What is the opposite of "loud"?
  • What is the opposite of "hot"?
  • What is half of 10?
  • Name three fruits
    orange, apple, banana, melon, watermelon, tangerine etc
  • They __________ (eat) pizza for lunch yesterday.
  • What's another way to say "yes" in English?
    yeah, sure, okay, of course, uh-huh, alright
  • What is the plural form of "child"? (how can I say more than one child)
  • What's another way to say "goodbye" in English
    bye-bye, see you later, have a good day/night, so long
  • Name three things you find in a garden.
    flowers, bugs, trees, plants, animals, people, rocks etc
  • Fill in the blank: I __________ soccer every weekend.
  • Name three things you can find in a kitchen.
    stove, frying pan, refrigerator, food, oven etc
  • What do you call the season after summer?
  • What do you do before you go to bed?
    Brush my teeth, wash my face, my homework etc
  • What do you use to brush your hair?
    a hairbrush (or comb)
  • What do you call a person who goes into outer space?
    An astronaut
  • What is the opposite of "empty"?
  • Name three things you can find in a bathroom.
    toilet, sink, shower, toilet paper, soap, shampoo etc
  • What do you call a person who's job is taking care of teeth?
  • What do you call a person who teaches in a school?
  • Name a continent
    North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, Australia