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  • make a sentence with the word "criticize"
    My dad criticized me for being so dumb.
  • Give me 5 sports
  • Tell me 2 countries start with the letter "M"
    Mongolia, Morroco
  • Tell me 3 places where we need a lot of vonlunteers?
    hospital, sporting event, orphanage
  • what is the currency of Japan?
  • who is he?
    a physiotherapist
  • give me the VERB of the word "SPECIAL"
  • Give me 2 famous sporing events
    Olympic, Worldcup
  • give me 2 sentences with the word "such"
  • smart = b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • Give me 3 European countries.
  • give me 2 sentences with the word "so"
  • what do we call a book that writes about someone's life?
  • use " have someone on" in a sentence
    I am having you on!
  • unscramble this word "VRLUTENOE"
  • give me 2 city in England
    Ipwich, London
  • use "regret" in a sentence
  • Tell me 3 Spanish-speaking countries
    Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecua
  • Give me 3 genres of BOOK