
Brainy 7

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  • Ułóż zdanie: Anna/buy souvenirs/ yet?
    Has Anna bought souvenirs yet?
  • Jak się zapytasz: Od jak dawna grasz w koszykówkę?
    How long have you played basketball?
  • Ułóż zdanie: Anna/climb mountain/ already
    Anna has already climbed a mountain.
  • Znajdź błąd/błędy i popraw zdanie: She have already readed a book
    She has already read a book.
  • Ułóż zdanie: they/arrive/at the B&B /already
    They have already arrived at the B&B.
  • Ułóż zdanie: Mary/not visit her granny/ yet.
    Mary hasn't visited her granny yet.
  • Tina nigdy nie uczyła się języka polskiego.
    Tina has never learned  Polish.
  • Ułóż zdanie: Sponge Bob and Patrick /not travel abroad/ yet
    Sponge Bob and Patrick haven't travelled abroad yet.
  • Jak się zapytasz: Od jak dawna przebywasz w Nowym Jorku?
    How long have you been in New York?
  • Znajdź błąd i popraw zdanie. I haven't went snorkling since I was a kid.
    I haven't gone snorkling since I was a kid.
  • I haven't drunk any water since/for 12 o'clock.
  • Anna has stayed at the B&B since/for two nights.
  • Nigdy nie czytałam komiksów.
    I have never read comics.
  • My nigdy nie jeżdziliśmy na wakacje zorganizowane przez biuro podróży.
    We have never gone on a package holiday.
  • Ułóż zdanie: you/ check in to a hotel/yet?
    Have you checked in to a hotel yet?
  • Ułóż zdanie: Alex / see the sights/ yet?
    Has Alex seen the sights yet?
  • Które zdanie jest poprawne: 1. Queen Elizabeth has eaten sushi recently. 2. I have never eaten sushi.
  • Ułóż zdanie: we/see/ sharks/already
    We have already seen some sharks.
  • Ułóż zdanie: Tom/do/homework/already
    Tom has already done his homework.
  • Czy kiedykolwiek chodziłeś na piesze wycieczki?
    Have you ever gone hiking?
  • My grandpa has travelled abroad since/for a long time.
  • Znajdź błąd/błędy i popraw zdanie: I has ever done a skydive.
    I have never done a skydive.
  • Czy kiedykolwiek rezerwowałaś bilet lotniczy?
    Have you ever booked your flight?
  • Znajdź błąd/błędy i popraw zdanie: Max already has explore a cave.
    Max has already explored a cave.
  • Znajdź błąd/błędy i popraw zdanie: I have yet tried local food.
    I haven't tried local food yet.
  • You haven't sunbathed for/sine last summer.
  • They haven't met each other for/since three weeks.
  • I have been at school for/since three hours.
  • Max has been in London since/for Thursday.
  • Czy kiedykolwiek rozbiłeś namiot?
    Have you ever put up a tent?
  • Które zdanie jest poprawne: The pope John Paul II has written a lot of books. 2. Dawid Podsiadło has created a lot of beautiful songs.
  • Ułóż zdanie: You/have/dinner/yet?
    Have you had dinner yet?
  • I haven't eaten sweets since/for I was a child.
  • Ułóż zdanie: they/ not check out of a hotel/yet
    They haven't checked out of the hotel yet.
  • Ułóż zdanie: I/not swim in the ocean/yet
    I haven't swum in the ocean yet.