
MW 1930 1st quarter review 2023

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  • What do we call going to and from work?
  • The doctor gives you a -----to take to the pharmacy and get it filled
  • Which is correct ?
    I already ate lunch
    I haven´t already eaten lunch.
    I ate lunch already
    I have already eaten lunch.
  • What is a ¨wrinkle¨?
    Line in your skin or clothes
  • To find out the price of something we ask:
    How much is it? How much does it cost?
  • A mutt is....
    ...a dog of mixed breeds.
  • A typical nut on the streets of Madrid in stands at Christmas time....
  • when we want to stop working and say we have had enough we ......
    call it a day
  • Which is correct?
    I live here since 2021
    I had lived here since 2021
    I have lived here since 2021
    I lived here since 2021
  • A synonym for aubergine
  • What do we call it when we sleep after lunch?
  • What is the opposite of ¨drop someone off?¨
    pick up
  • a very lazy person is a
    couch potato
  • a synonym for ¨put something together¨
    assemble or set up
  • a polite way to say ¨die¨
    pass up
    pass away
    pass over
    pass out
  • Which is correct?
    How far is it to the station?
    How much km to the station?
    How much distance is it to the station?
    How many km to the station?
  • a dry period
  • We don´t ¨pass¨time with our friends...we
    SPEND time