
Let's play together

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  • Traduci: In futuro, più persone vivranno nelle città
    In the future, more people will live in cities
  • Forse non andrò alla festa di Erik
    Maybe I won't go to Erik's party
  • How do you say valle in Enligh?
  • What's an island? (describe)
    An island is a body of land surrounded by water
  • If she.........(not study), she......(not pass) the exam
    doesn't study, won't pass
  • What's this?
    A volcano
  • Traduci: Ho studiato tantissimo ieri. Passerò sicuramente l'esame di inglese.
    Yesterday I studied a lot. I will definitely pass the exam
  • Quando si usa il futuro con will?
    Per decisioni presi sul momento, promesse, previsioni. spesso usato con avverbi come; maybe, perhaps, probably, definitely,
  • If I...........(see) Alessandro, I..........(give) him your message
    see , will give
  • Maybe, perhaps, probably e definitely seguono o precedono will alla forma affermativa?
    Seguono: es. I'll probably have a big party for my 18th birthday
  • What's this?
    a sea
  • Potrei decidere di imparare a suonare la chitarra quest'anno.
    I may might decide to learn to play the guitar this year.
  • Translate: plastica, carta, vetro, alluminio
    plastic, paper, glass, alluminium
  • I.......(give) Emily your teoephone number If she ........(ask) me.
    will give, asks
  • Mum.......(not give) us any pocket money if we .....(not do) any housework
    won't give, don't do
  • Quando si usa il futuro "to be going to"
    Per le intenzioni e per le previsioni (quando ci sono evidenze nel presente)
  • What's this?
    a desert
  • How do you say "discarica" in English?
  • What's this?
    a lake
  • What's this?
    recycling bin
  • What's this?
  • How do you say "scogliera" in English?
  • If we........(miss) the train, we.............(be) late
    miss, will be
  • What does "dump" mean in Italian?
  • "Valle d'Aosta" is the Italian region with the highest ......
  • If he......(eat) all that pizza, he.....(be) sick
    eats, will be
  • Potremmo andare in vacanza l'estate prossima se troviamo il tempo.
    We might go on a vacation next summer if we find the time.
  • What's this?
  • A ..... is smaller than a forest
  • What's this?
  • What's this?
    A recycling bin
  • Quando si usa il present continuos per le azioni future?
    Per eventi programmati e piani
  • What's this?
  • What's this?
    A river