
Unit 4 Revision (Team Together 4)

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  • It's the object ... you can use to save your pocket money.
    which, money box
  • It's a shop ... you can buy medicine.
    where, pharmacy
  • It's the man ... we saw earlier.
  • Ben ... ... tidy his room to earn some pocket money.
    has to
  • It's a shop ... you can buy meat.
    where, butcher's
  • It's a shop ... you can buy vegetables.
    where, greengrocer's
  • This is a small shop on the street ... you can buy a lot of different things.
    where, corner shop
  • It's the object ... you can use to write.
    which, pen
  • Thank you. - ... ...
    My pleasure
  • Sarah ... ... ... go to the greengrocers. She's got a lot of vegetables at home.
    doesn't have to
  • It's the object ... you can use to keep your money.
    which, purse/wallet
  • I ... ... ... my old toys to earn some pocket money.
    have to sell