
Present perfect simple

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  • Our teacher (give) us a lot of homework.
    Our teacher has given us a lot of homework.
  • I (meet) many interesting people this year.
    I have met many interesting people this year.
  • (your friends ever study) abroad?
    Have your friends ever studied abroad?
  • (your parents ever fly) in a hot air balloon?
    Have your parents ever flown in a hot air balloon?
  • Our teacher (not mark) the tests.
    Our teacher hasn't marked the tests.
  • You (not be) to the new museum.
    You haven't been to the new museum.
  • (you ever visit) a castle?
    Have you ever visited a castle?
  • They (not buy) tickets for the concert.
    They haven't bought tickets for the concert.
  • She (not try) Chinese food before.
    She hasn't tried Chinese food before.
  • (we ever play) tennis together?
    Have we ever played tennis together?
  • He (learn) how to play the piano.
    He has learned how to play the piano.
  • The students (not complete) their project.
    The students haven't completed their project.
  • My brother (not pass) his driving test.
    My brother hasn't passed his driving test.
  • (she ever go) camping in the mountains?
    Has she ever gone camping in the mountains?
  • (she ever try) Mexican food?
    Has she ever tried Mexican food?
  • He (not read) the latest book by his favourite author.
    He hasn't read the latest book by his favourite author.
  • She (visit) Paris three times.
    She has visited Paris three times.
  • (your sister ever ride) a horse?
    Has your sister ever ridden a horse?
  • (you ever be) to Italy?
    Have you ever been to Italy?
  • I (finish) my homework.
    I have finished my homework.
  • (he ever win) a prize in a competition?
    Has he ever won a prize in a competition?
  • (he ever read) a book in English?
    Has he ever read a book in English?
  • The children (clean) their room.
    The children have cleaned their room.
  • We (not visit) London yet.
    We haven't visited London this year.
  • I (not see) the new movie yet.
    I haven't seen the new movie yet.
  • We (eat) sushi for dinner.
    We have eaten sushi for dinner.
  • They (see) that film twice.
    They have seen that film twice.
  • My sister (buy) a new bicycle.
    My sister has bought a new bicycle.
  • You (read) all the books in the series.
    You have read all the books in the series.
  • We (not decide) on a holiday destination.
    We haven't decided on a holiday destination.