
G5T2-M2 U3-We are going to have an English test

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  • What day is it today?
    It's ______.
  • (C-E) 今天星期几?
    What day is it today?
  • What's the date today?
    It's _______.
  • (C-E) 学生们将会在3月8日给他们的老师们送卡片和鲜花。
    Students are going to send cards and flowers to their teachers on the eighth of March.
  • When is China's Tree Planting Day?
    It's on March 12th. / It's on the twelfth of March.
  • (C-E)今天几号?
    What's the date today?
  • (C-E) 我们将在4月22日参加英语测验。(Hint: have)
    We are going to have an English test on the twenty-second of April.
  • (C-E) 我没有其他重要的事情要问了。
    I don't have anything important to say.
    I have something else important to ask.
    I don't have anything else important to ask.
    I don't have anything important to ask.
  • (C-E)孩子们将在下周六,六月一日拿到礼物。(Hint: get gifts)
    Children are going to get gifts next Saturday, the first of June.
  • They ____________ (visit) a farm next Saturday.
    are visiting
    are going to visit
  • (C-E) 那些从澳大利亚来的学生们将会从9月1号到9月3号参观我们学校。
    The students from Australia are going to visit our school from September 1st to September 3rd.
  • (C-E) 别忘记了!
    Don't forgeting.
    Not forgetting.
    No forget.
    Don't forget.
  • ______ you all _____ (go) to his home ___ a party tomorrow?
    Do, going, at
    Are, going, for
    Are, go, for
    Do, go, at
  • Our math test is _____ the ninth of January.
  • (C-E)Amy的爸爸妈妈将会在11月15号,周三去参加学校开放日。
    Amy's parents are going to go to the school open day on Wednesday, November fifteenth.
  • (C-E) 你还有其他重要的事要做吗?
    Do you have anything else to do?
    Do you have important anything to do?
    Do you have anything else important?
    Do you have anything else important to do?
  • (C-E) 6月20日会有校运会吗?(Hint: there be)
    Is there a sports meeting on the twentieth of June?
    Is there a sports meeting in the twentieth of June?
    Is there sports meetings at twentieth of June?
    Is there a sport meeting on the twentyth of June?
  • (C-E)Snoopy将会在8月10日举办一个生日派对。(Hint: have a party)
    Snoopy is going to have a birthday party on the tenth of August.
  • Ben ________ (have) a basketball lesson every Sunday.
    is having
    is going to have
  • (C-E) 这个星期还有其他重要的事情吗?
    Is there anything important this week?
    Is there anything else important this week?
    Is there important anything else this week?
    Is there important else anything this week?
  • _______ Eddie ________(make) a snowman this Sunday afternoon? (Hint: be going to + v. )
    Is, making
    Is, going to make
    Do, make
    Does, make