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  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb phrase (SIT NEXT TO)
    C) She is my friend
    A) He sits next to me
    B) She is a good singer
  • What is a VENDING MACHINE?
    A) Something where you can BUY snacks and drinks
    B) A type of toy
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (talk)
    B) I play soccer
    A) Every Friday I TALK to my friends after school
    C) I am a student
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (UNDERSTAND)
    C) I eat cookies
    A) I always UNDERSTAND the class
    B) I take a shower
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (take)
    B) She is my teacher
    A) She takes the bus to school every day
    C) She is my friend
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (GO)
    C) I am from Ecuador
    A) I go to school everyday
    B) I like chocolate
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (BUY)
    B) You Sleep at home
    C) You Dance with me
    A) She BUYS cookies
  • How Does she feel?
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (FIND)
    A) I always find a solution
    B) I play a game
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (DO)
    B) I play soccer
    A) I do homework at home
    C) I wash my face
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb phrase (STAY CALM)
    A)He always STAYS calm
    C)I listen to music
    B) I sing songs
  • Dramatize the emotional state (GET UPSET)
    B) I am happy
    A) He never GETS upset
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb  (TRY)
    A) I try to open the door
    C) The apple is red
    B) The door is big
  • Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (WAIT)
    C)She is singing
    B) She is sleeping
    A) Every morning He WAITS for the train