
Unit 4- This is who we are...

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  • Christmas or Thanksgiving is a great example of a "family ...?"
  • Complete the sentence about a positive person: I always like to look ....
    on the bright side
  • True or false: When something is completely wrong we say "spot on"?
    False! Spot on is when something is exactly right
  • She doesn't ......... with stress very well!
  • How would you describe someone who is fairly quiet and doesn't like the attention?
  • When you look similar to your Mum or Dad, you t....... ......... your Mum or Dad
    take after
  • How would you describe someone who talks a lot?
    Talkative or chatty
  • How do you say "a proposito" or "por cierto" in english?
    By the way
  • How do you say sobrina and sobrino in english?
    neice and nephew
  • I really look ..... ...... my older brother and sister
    look up to
  • How do you say 'negar' in english?
    to deny
  • Give a synonym for a laid back, calm or relaxed person
  • Name another expression which means the same as "for example".
    for instance or such as
  • Put this into reported speech: "We're going to Brighton next weekend for a wedding".
    They said (that) they were going to go to Brighton the following weekend for a wedding
  • Don't ......... me, it wasn't my fault!
  • When someone has made you really happy you can say: "You've made my what?"
  • Devin was born and ............ in Texas
  • How do you say "antes de que me olvide" in english?
    Before I forget
  • In this photo, Arianna Grande has ......., ..........., ........ hair
    long, straight, brown hair
  • What adjective describes somebody who likes being with friends and meeting new people?