
ESOL Christmas and New Year Quiz

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  • Which festive figure is said to bring gifts to children on Christmas Eve in the UK?
    Santa Claus
  • In the UK, what is the traditional song that is sung on New Year's Eve as the clock strikes midnight?
    Auld Lang Syne
  • What is the Welsh name for Santa Claus?
    Siôn Corn
  • A Welsh tradition involves opening the back door just before midnight on New Year's Eve to do what?
    to let the old year out
  • What is the name of the famous street in London known for its Christmas lights and decorations?
    Oxford Street
  • In the UK, what do people hang over the fireplace for good luck during the Christmas season?
    Christmas stockings
  • What is the name of the traditional Welsh New Year's Day custom where children go door-to-door, singing and asking for money or sweets?
  • In the UK, what do people typically put on top of their Christmas tree?
    Angel or Fairy
  • What is the date of New Year's Day in the UK?
    January 1st
  • Who records a special message which is shown on TV on Christmas Day?
    King Charles
  • In Scotland, what is the custom of "first footing" on New Year's Day?
    The first person to enter a home after midnight brings good luck
  • What do people in the UK typically enjoy for dessert on Christmas Day?
    Christmas Pudding
  • In Scotland, how is New Year's Eve better known?
  • What is the traditional date for celebrating Christmas in the UK?
    December 25th
  • What is the Welsh for "Merry Christmas"?
    Nadolig Llawen
  • A traditional Christmas food is port and which cheese?
  • Which city in the UK is famous for its huge street party on New Year's Eve?
  • Which classic British author wrote the famous Christmas story "A Christmas Carol"?
    Charles Dickens
  • On Boxing Day, many people do what?
    go for a winter walk
  • What day is Boxing Day?
    26th December
  • What is the traditional Christmas meat in the UK?
  • What is the Welsh for Happy New Year?
    Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
  • Which Welsh town is famous for its festive "Nos Galan Road Races" held on New Year's Eve?
    Mountain Ash
  • In the UK, it is a tradition to leave a treat for Santa Claus. What is it usually?
    Sherry and a mince pie
  • In the UK, people often decorate their homes with a plant with white berries during Christmas. What is this plant called?
  • In the UK, it's a tradition to pull Christmas crackers. What usually comes out of a Christmas cracker?
    Toy, joke and a paper hat
  • What do people in the UK often wear on Christmas Day that features festive patterns like reindeer or snowflakes?
    Christmas jumper
  • What is the purpose of making New Year's resolutions in the UK?
    To set goals for the upcoming year