
6th & 7th grade supergame (midterm review)

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  • What is a substance?
    A single kind of matter that always has a specific makeup (Macro). Similar to a compund, but bigger
  • What are the characteristics of a liquid?
    It has a definite volume but not a definite shape. It is relatively dense but less dense than a solid. It's particles can move freely past each other.
  • What are atoms made of?
    subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, electrons
  • What is sublimation?
    It is the process of a solid turning directly into a gas, skipping the liquid phase.
  • What is happening when something is boiling?
    It is the process of the kinetic energy of particles increasing to the point that they transform into a gas? It happens above and below the surface of a liquid.
  • What is condensation?
    The process of a gas turning into a liquid. It cools and the particles inside slow down enough for the air to become moisture.
  • When water freezes what is happening to the particles inside it?
    They are losing energy and slowing down until they become stuck in place, turning into a solid (ice)
  • What are the types of nuclear energy and what is the difference? Which is strongest?
    Fusion and fission. Fusion is joining atoms (the nuclei) and fission is splitting them. Fusion is stronger.
  • How is mass different from weight?
    Mass remains constant while weight depends on location. Mass is how much stuff there is in an object, weight is how heavy an object is.
  • What is matter?
    Anything that has mass and takes up space.
  • Which type of solid has a definite melting temperature?
    A crystalline solid
  • Express this number in scientific notation: 10,000,000,000,000
  • What is elastic potential energy?
    the energy of objects that can be compressed or stretched. Stored in such things as a Slinky, a spring, or a bungee cord, or a rubber ball.
  • What is energy?
    The ability to do work or cause change
  • What is melting?
    When a solid becomes a liquid. The particles gain energy and start moving more until they move so much they become un-stuck
  • What is temperature?
    The meassure of how hot or cold something is
  • What is the type of potential energy that comes from shape?
    Elastic potential energy. Ex: A bouncy ball, a rubber band, a slingshot, a spring
  • When the air pressure above a liquid increases, what happens to the amount of thermal energy need for the liquid to vaporize (boiling)?
    It also increases. The temperature required to boil the liquid gets higher.
  • What is thermal energy?
    The energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature. It comes from the movement of it's particles (faster movement = higher temperature
  • Imagine that you are trying to open a jar, and the lid is stuck. You exert a lot of force on the lid, but it doesn’t move. Are you doing work?
    No. No matter how much force you exert, you don’t do any work if the lid does not move.
  • What is motion?
    When an object's position changes relative to another object.
  • What is density?
    How tightly packed a mass is
  • Mass divided by volume = ????
  • What unit is force measured in?
  • What is the difference in evaportion and boiling?
    Boiling happens everywhere in the liquid. Evaporation happens on the surface of a liqui
  • What is a homogenous mixture?
    A mixture where you cannot see the different parts
  • What is the mathematical formula for power?
    Power = Work/Time
  • How do you measure volume?
    By either: measuring the dimensions of an object and multiplying them OR submerging an object in a known amount of water and measuring the difference.
  • What unit is power measured in?
  • What is weight?
    The measure of the force of gravity on an object
  • What is the mathematical formula for gravitational potential energy?
    Gravitational potential energy = Weight (in Newtons) x Height (in Meters)
  • What are the two types of solids?
    Crystalline and amorphous
  • What is the mathematical formula for kinetic energy?
    kinetic energy = 0.5 x mass x speed²
  • What is nuclear energy?
    Nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom. It occurs when nuclei are split or joined together.
  • What is surface tension?
    An inward force or pull between molecules in a liquid.
  • What are the characteristics of a gas?
    Doesn't have a defnite shape or volume. Tries to fill any container it's in. Least dense. It's particles freely move.
  • What is a chemical property?
    Charateristics that describe something's ability to become something else. Include: flammability, reactivity, radioactivity, corrosion
  • How is a molecule different from a compound?
    A molecule is may only be made of one element, whereas a compound will always have at least 2 elements.
  • How do the particles in a solid behave?
    They can't freely move past each other but they vibrate in place.
  • What determines the gravitational potential energy of an object?
    It's vertical position and it's weight.
  • What is vaporization? What are the types?
    Vaporization is when a liquid turns into a gas. The two types are evaporation and boiling.
  • Water and CO2 in leaves is converted to oxygen and sugar: What kind of property does this describe?
    A chemical property because the water and CO2 are CHANGING into sugar and oxygen. They become something different from what they originally were.
  • How can we determine gravitational potential energy of an object.
    You can measure the amount of work (vertical postion x weight) it would take to lift that object to it's current height,
  • What is potential energy?
    Energy that results from the position or shape of an object. For ex: Abike at the top of a hill, or a rubberband.
  • What is the law of conservation of matter/energy?
    It says matter/energy can niether be created or destroyed, only changed.
  • What is viscosity?
    A resistance to flowing.
  • what is a physical property?
    A property that can be observed without changing the matter into another type of matter. Includes: Texture, hardness, luster, density
  • Explain boiling
    Boiling happens everywhere in a liquid,h appens at a liquids boiling point (temperature.) Happens when pressure in gas and in lquid are equal.
  • What is work?
    Any time you exert a force on an object that causes the object to change its motion in the same direction in which you exert the force.
  • 2 People load 10 items on the truck in 10 minutes: How can power be increased?
    By loading more items in 10 minutes, or loading 10 items in less than 10 minutes.
  • What is the type of potential energy that comes from vertical position?
    Gravitational potential energy. Ex: Anything in the air or a high position. Ex: A plane,or a cat at the top of stairs.
  • Where does evaporation happen?
    On the surface of the liquid. Molecules slowly gain energy until they vaporize and become a gas one at a time.
  • What is a heterogeneous mixture?
    A mixture where you can see the different parts
  • The particles of what type of solid are arranged in a regular pattern?
    A crystalline solid
  • What is a molecule?
    2 or more atoms bonded together
  • What affects kinetic energy?
    Speed and mass
  • What are the two types of mixtures?
    Homogenous and heterogeneous
  • What are the characteristics of a solid?
    It has a definite shape and volume. It has a high density. It's molecules cannot freely move past each other, only vibrate in place.
  • What unit is work measured in?
  • Explain evaporation
    Individual particles gain energy from the sun, other particles, etc until they gain enough to turn into a gas
  • What is power?
    Power is how quickly work is done. Doing work faster, or doing more work in an equal time increases power.
  • What is a compound?
    2 or more atoms of at least 2 different elements bonded together (Micro)
  • What is Force?
    A push or a pull.