
How old

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  • How old _____ you? I _____ 27 years old.
    are / am
  • How old ______ Jenny? She ______ 6 years old.
    is / 's
  • How old _____ John? He ____8 years old.
  • How old ______ Jenny and Mary? They ______ 6 and 9 years old.
  • How old is your dad?
    He is....years old.
  • How old is your grandma?
    She is...years old.
  • How old _____ your brother? He_____ 21 years old.
    is/ ´s
  • How old _____ your sisters? They______ 32 and 33 years old.
    are / 're
  • How old _______ his brothers? They _____12 and 16 years old.
    are / are
  • How old is your grandpa?
    He is....years old.
  • How old is your teacher?
    She/ he is ...years old
  • How old is your mom?
    She is....years old.
  • How old are your cousins?
    They are...years old
  • How old is your friend?
  • How old _______your mom? She_______ 49 years old.
    is / 's
  • How old are your aunt and uncle?
    They are....years old
  • How old ______ they? They ______ 12 and 14 years old.
    are / 're