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  • They ______(live)here ____two months
    They have lived here FOR two months
  • Mr Gru____ (work) in this company ____ a week.
    Mr Gru has worked in this company FOR a week
  • She____(cook) the dinner ____ three hours.
    She has cooked the dinner FOR three hours
  • I _________(BE)a teacher _____1994
    I have been a teacher SINCE 1994
  • I ____(not think) about it _____ a year
    I haven't thought about it FOR a year
  • She ______(KNOW) Richard_____ years
    She has known Richard FOR years
  • They____(not be) in Rome ___last week.
    They haven't been in Rome SINCE last week
  • He ____(have) his mobile ___ his birthday.
    He has had his mobile SINCE his birthday
  • They____(not win) a match _____ a long time.
    They haven't won a match FOR a long time
  • He ______(NOT SEE) her _________ the last party
    He hasn't seen her SINCE the last party
  • She ____ (not phone) them ____ Christmas.
    She hasn't phoned them SINCE Christmas
  • They _____ (not read) my emails ____ yesterday.
    They haven't read my emails SINCE yesterday
  • She _____(not be) sick _____ a few years.
    She hasn't been sick FOR a few years
  • We______(PLAY)in his team _______April
    We have played in his team SINCE april
  • It _____(rain) non-stop ____ two days.
    It has rained non-stop FOR two days
  • She ____(not speak) to him _____ a week.
    She hasn't spoken to him FOR a week
  • The baby___ (cry) ____ half an hour.
    The baby has cried FOR half an hour
  • I_____(not receive) a letter from him _____ a month.
    I haven't received a letter from him FOR a month
  • Jerry ______(WASH) this car ____hours
    Jerry has washed this car FOR hours
  • We ____(HAVE) our car ______ a year
    We have had our car for a year
  • We ____ (be) together _____ years.
    We have been together FOR years
  • He ____ (hear) from his son ____ last year.
    He has heard from his son SINCE last year
  • He ____ (not wash) the dishes___days.
    He hasn't washed the dishes for days
  • She ______(not eat) anything ______ few hours
    She hasn't eaten anything SINCE few hours