
Personal Hygiene

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  • What personal hygiene tasks do you do at school?
    Brush your hair, wash your hands, brush or floss your teeth, blow your nose, put on deodorant, put on hand lotion
  • How do you know it is time to wash your clothes?
    If they are stained. If they are smelly. If I have worn them more than once.
  • True or False: Before I go to school, I should look in the mirror to make sure I look clean and groomed.
  • Why is personal hygiene important?
    Health - Avoid getting sick. Social - So people will want to be around you.
  • Is blowing your nose important?
    Yes. It decreases the spread of germs. It's good hygiene.
  • How often should you floss your teeth?
    Once a day.
  • True or False: Personal Hygiene means taking care of yourself and keeping yourself clean
  • Share a personal hygiene practice that you do at home by yourself.
    Brush teeth
    Wash hands
    Put on deodorant
    Comb, brush, or take care of hair
  • How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
    Two times a day.
  • True or False: You should only shower once a month
  • True or False: You should brush, comb, or take care of your hair before you leave the house every day.
  • What are some things you can do for personal hygiene?
    Shower or bath, brush teeth, wash hands, blow your nose, put on deodorant, wash your face, put on lotion, trim your nails