
Semester review

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  • What are the 5 major branches of Philosophy
    Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics
  • What is the difference between waxing and waning?
    more light and less light
  • Who are some of the first philosophers?
    Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
  • ____you at the company meeting last week?
  • What is the greatest lesson you have learned from your grand buddy so far?
    answers may vary
  • Where does Mrs. Reese's husband, Josh, work?
  • Explain the difference between sunlight and moonlight.
    Moonlight is simply sunlight which is be reflected by the moon.
  • What is Aesthetics?
    the study of what is beautiful
  • What is metaphysics?
    what is real?
  • I _____ her at the store when I was shopping.
  • What is ethics?
    moral- right and wrong
  • What has been the best field trip this year? Why?
    answers may vary
  • What is Mrs. Mehner's husbands name?
  • What is the difference between gibbous and crescent?
    more than half of the moon is lite
  • When is Mrs. Reese's birthday?
    June 18
  • What color are the hottest stars?
  • What is Epistemology?
    The study of knowledge
  • What is required to for nuclear fusion?
    heat and force
  • What is logic?
    reasoning and argument
  • I didn't_____ the questions on the test.