
Ylc7 U4 passive voice

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  • They dropped me at my hotel.
    I was dropped at my hotel.
  • Someone left a kite on the desk.
    A kite was left on the desk.
  • They feed the penguins three times a day.
    The penguins are fed three times a day.
  • People are greeting the kangaroos.
    The kangaroos are being greeted.
  • Tina …..[decided/ was decided] to hep the cat.
  • People are taking the bear to the hospital.
    The bear is being taken to the hospital.
  • They are taking care of the baby at the moment.
    The baby is being taken care of at the moment.
  • She …..[is giving/ is being given] some water to the cat.
    is giving
  • He usually cooks dinner.
    Dinner is usually cooked.
  • My sister is making a cake now.
    A cake is being made now.
  • She is washing the car right now.
    The car is being washed right now.
  • Doctors treated the bird’s injured wings.
    The bird’s injured wings were treated.
  • An injured dog ….[found/ was found] outside the fire stations
    was found