
Passive Voice questions (present and past)

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  • What buildings _____ (build) more than 1000 years ago?
    What buildings were built more than 1000 years ago?
  • Can you say three things that _____ (produce) in Russia?
    Can you say three things that are produced in Russia?
  • What objects ____ (make) of paper?
    What objects are made of paper?
  • How much time ____ (spend) to complete your homework?
    How much time was spent to complete your homework?
  • Who ____ "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" ____ (write) by?
    Who was "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" written by?
  • What three books _____ (make) into films?
    What three books were made into films?
  • Why ____ this game ____ (play) by us?
    Why is this game played by us?
  • What ____ (used) by you to connect to this lesson?
    What was used by you to connect to this lesson?
  • What three things _____ (invent/create) in the last 25 years?
    What three things were invented/created in the last 25 years?
  • What three things _____ (use) by artists?
    What three things are used by artists?
  • Name three national dishes that .............................. (eat) in your country.
    Name three national dishes that are eaten in your country.
  • What objects ____ (make) of metal?
    What objects are made of metal?
  • Name three languages that .............................. (speak) in Europe.
    Name three languages that are spoken in Europe.
  • Name three programs that _____ (install) on your computer.
    Name three programs that are installed on your computer.
  • What TV shows ______ (watch) by you?
    What TV shows were watched by you?
  • What actors or singers _____ (born) in the US or the UK?
    What actors or singers were born in the US or the UK?