
Passive voice quiz

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  • Queen Elizabeth II went to hospital in 1991 after she (bite) by one of her dogs.
    was bitten (true)
  • In some parts of Wales, sheep (ride) by local farmers for transport.
    are ridden (false)
  • The giant panda (find) only in two countries - China and Burma.
    is found (false-China only)
  • Happy Birthday (sing) more than any other English song.
    is sung (true)
  • Necessary (spell) incorrectly more than any other word in English.
    is spelt (false)
  • The Pyramids in Egypt (hide) under sand for 2,000 years.
    were hidden (false)
  • The first photo (take) by the Chinese in the early 1700s.
    was taken (false)
  • More chocolate (eat) by Italians than any other nationality.
    is eaten (false)
  • Coca-Cola (make) with colouring so it's not green.
    is made (true)
  • In 2006, a whale (see) swimming up the River Thames in London.
    was seen (true)
  • Originally, Mickey Mouse (know) as Mortimer Mouse.
    was known (true)
  • The Mona Lisa (steal) in 1911 and lost for two years.
    was stolen (true)
  • Macadamia nuts (not sell) in their shells because people can't break them.
    are not sold (true)
  • The Simpsons cartoon (show) for the first time in 1989.
    was shown (true)
  • Potatoes (not grow) in Europe until 1536.
    weren't grown (true)
  • The Statue of Liberty (give) to the United States by Great Britain in 1886.
    was given (false)
  • In Sweden, coffee (drink) by children on their birthday.
    is drunk (false)