
C5 Science - Boiling and melting

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  • You investigate how the rate of a reaction was affected by temperature. What is the independent variable? 您研究温度如何影响反应速率。 自变量是什么?
    Rate of reaction.反应速率。
  • Explain what the melting point is.解释熔点是多少。
    own answer
  • Explain the boiling point. 解释沸点。
    own answer
  • You investigate the amount of energy stored in different brands of crisps. What is the dependent variable? 您调查了不同品牌的薯片中储存的能量。 什么是因变量?
    Brand of crisp.品牌脆。
    Amount of energy stored 储存的能量量。
  • What is a variable?
    A type of experiment.一种实验。
    A factor that impacts an investigation.影响调查的因素。
  • When things reach boiling point, they change from a liquid to a...当物质达到沸点时,它们会从液体变成...
  • Is coffee a solution? 咖啡是化学溶液吗?
  • Which of these dissolve in water?其中哪些溶于水?
    sand. 沙
    oil. 油。
    Salt. 盐
  • Water freezes at which temperature? 水在什么温度下会结冰?
    0 F
    0 C
  • You investigate how the intensity of light affects the size of leaves on a tree. Which is the Independent variable? 您研究光的强度如何影响树上叶子的大小。 哪个是自变量?
    size of leaves.叶子的大小
    light intensity.光强度。
  • You investigate whether the height of a person affects how fast they can run. What is the independent variable? 您调查一个人的身高是否会影响他们的跑步速度。 自变量是什么?
    How fast they can run.他们能跑多快。
    Height of the person.人的身高。
  • How do you water is very hot just by looking at it?你怎么看水就很热?
    Bubbles and steam. 气泡和蒸汽。
    The water level drops. 水位下降。
  • What does soluble mean? 可溶是什么意思?
    A substance dissolves well.物质溶解良好。
    A substance doesn't dissolve.物质不溶解。
  • You investigate whether the height a ball bounces depends on the ball's size. What is the independent variable? 您研究球弹跳的高度是否取决于球的大小。 自变量是什么?
    Height of the bounce.弹跳的高度。
    Size of the ball. 球的大小。
  • The boiling point of water (at sea level) is...水的沸点(在海平面上)是......
    100 F
    100 C
  • When water vapour gets cold it...   当水蒸气变冷时...
    condenses into liquid. 凝结成液体。
  • Which substance is liquid at 25 degrees C?哪种物质在 25 摄氏度时是液体?
    Diesel 柴油
    Candle wax 蜡烛蜡
  • What is an independent variable? 什么是自变量?
    The thing that we change.我们改变的事情。
    The thing that we measure.我们改变的事情。
  • What is a solution?  什么是制造化学溶液
    The answer to a problem. 问题的答案。
    A liquid with a dissolved solid in it. 含有溶解固体的液体。
  • What is a control variable? 什么是控制变量?
    The things we measure.我们测量的东西。
    The things we keep the same.我们保留的东西是一样的。
    The things we change.我们改变的事情。
  • A solution is saturated when...  溶液饱和时...
    When it becomes a gas. 当它变成气体时。
    It can't dissolve any more solids. 它不能再溶解任何固体。
  • What does insoluble mean? 不溶是什么意思?
    A substance which doesn't dissolve.不溶解的物质。
    A substance which dissolves.一种可溶解的物质。
  • You investigate the amount of energy stored in different brands of crisps. What is the independent variable? 您调查了不同品牌的薯片中储存的能量。 自变量是什么?
    The brand of crisp 品牌脆。
    The amount of energy stored.储存的能量。
  • Every liquid has its own boiling/melting point.每种液体都有自己的沸点/熔点。
  • Each different liquid has its own freezing point.每种不同的液体都有自己的冰点。
  • When water vapour cools it....   当水蒸气冷却后......
    forms clouds.形成云
    makes snowflakes. 制作雪花
  • When water freezes it increases in size. 当水结冰时,它的大小会增加。
  • You investigate which colour flower attracts the most bees. What is the dependent variable? 您调查哪种颜色的花最吸引蜜蜂。 什么是因变量?
    Number of bees. 蜜蜂数量。
    Colour of flower. 花的颜色。
  • When water is heated by the sun it...   当水被太阳加热时...
    condenses. 凝结。
    evaporates. 蒸发。
  • Name 2 common solutions.  说出 2 个常见的化学溶液.
    Own answers.
  • Which substance is solid at 25 degrees C? 哪种物质在 25 摄氏度时是固体?
  • Name 4 things that can melt.说出 4 种可以融化的东西。
    ice. wax. plastic. chocolate. metal. butter. ice cream...
  • Name 2 solids that you can make crystals from.  说出两种可以制造晶体的固体
    own answer
  • Rain is formed when water vapour...   雨是水蒸气形成的...
    condenses into liquid.凝结成液体。
    evaporates to become cloud. 蒸发成云。
  • If a substance dissolves well in water, it is...  如果一种物质能很好地溶于水,那么它...
    soluble. 可溶。
  • You investigate whether the height of a person affects how fast they can run. What is the dependent variable? 您调查一个人的身高是否会影响他们的跑步速度。 什么是因变量?
    How fast they can run.他们能跑多快。
    Height of the person 人的身高。
  • Name 3 substances that dissolve in water.   说出 3 种溶于水的物质。
    Own answers.
  • What is the water cycle?   什么是水循环?
    A cycle powered by water. 一个由水驱动的循环。
    A cycle you can ride on water. 您可以在水上骑行的自行车。
    How the Earth recycles water 地球如何循环利用水。
  • What do we measure temperature with?我们用什么来测量温度?
    Pedometer. 计步器。
    Thermometer. 温度计。
  • You investigate how the rate of a reaction was affected by temperature. What is the dependent variable? 您研究温度如何影响反应速率。 什么是因变量?
    Rate of reaction. 反应速率。
  • You investigate how the intensity of light affects the size of leaves on a tree. Which is the dependent variable?您研究光的强度如何影响树上叶子的大小。 哪个是因变量?
    size of the leaves 叶子的大小
    light intensity.光强度。
  • You investigate whether the height a ball bounces depends on the balls's size. What is the dependent variable? 您研究球弹跳的高度是否取决于球的大小。 什么是因变量?
    Height of the bounce.弹跳的高度。
    Size of the ball.球的大小。
  • On the highest mountain in the world, water boils at 71 degrees C.在世界上最高的山上,水的沸点为71摄氏度。
  • When a solid becomes a liquid it is called...当固体变成液体时,它被称为......
    The freezing point.冰点。
    The boiling point.沸点。
    The melting point .熔点。
  • What is a dependent variable?什么是因变量?
    The variable we change.我们改变的变量。
    The variable we measure.我们测量的东西。
  • The temperature at which a liquid boils is called its...液体沸腾的温度称为...
    Freezing point.冰点。
    Melting point.熔点。
    Boiling point.沸点。
  • Which substance would have to be cooled to -220 degrees to make it a liquid?哪种物质必须冷却到 -220 度才能变成液体?
    Iron 铁
  • The scientific name for steam is...蒸汽的学名是...
    water vapour.水蒸气。
  • You investigate which colour flower attracts the most bees. What is the independent variable? 您调查哪种颜色的花最吸引蜜蜂。 自变量是什么?
    Number of bees.蜜蜂数量。
    Colour of the flower 花的颜色。
  • When a liquid evaporates from a solution, what is left behind?当液体从溶液中蒸发时,留下什么?
    a gas.一种气体。
    a solid. 一个固体。