
Be the best starters unit 10

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  • What is this?
    a watch
  • What year is it?
  • What is this?
    It is a day.
  • ... the morning/afternoon/evening (preposition)
  • He is on the beach. Yes/No
  • What is this? How do you spell it?
    This is a shell.
  • The sun is angry. Yes/No
    No. The sun is happy
  • What is this?
    This is sand.
  • This is a beach. Yes/No
    This is the desert.
  • What is he looking at?
    He is looking at the sea.
  • What time of the day is it?
    The night
  • Spell the word.
  • What is this?
    It is a clock.
  • This is the night. Yes/No
    No. it is the evening
  • What day is it today?
    the 13th of ... (any month)
  • Matthew is turning 12. It is his....
    it is his birthday
  • There is a moon on the sky. Yes/No
  • What is this?
    a year