
Present simple and continuous (state verbs)

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  • (I / think) of selling my car. Would you be interested in buying it?
    I'm thinking of
  • Who is that man? (you / recognise) him?
    Do you recognise
  • I can’t make up my mind. What (you / think) I should do?
    do you think
  • Alan says he’s 90 years old, but nobody (believe) him.
  • Don’t put the dictionary away. .(| / need) it.
    I need it.
  • Air (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.
  • Don’t put the laptop away. (I/ use) it.
    I'm using it
  • Janet wasn’t well earlier, but (she / seem) OK now.
    he seems
  • Are you hungry? (you / want) something to eat?
    Do you want something to eat?
  • She told me her name, but (I/ not / remember) it now.
    I don't remember
  • Who is that man? What (he / want)?
    does he want
  • Who is that man? Why (he / look) at us?
    is he looking