
Passive, agressive and assertive communication

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  • Convert the following statement into an assertive statement: Do you have any idea how I feel when you shout at me?
    I feel hurt when you shout at me, so please, let's talk about this calmly.
  • Carol says "It upsets me when you call me names behind my back can you please stop?" What communication style is this?
  • Which communication style is this? "Give me my pencil back! I said give it back to me!
  • Convert the following statement into an assertive statement: Why don't you understand I want to be alone?
    Please, I need some time to be alone and think
  • What does passive body language look like?
    Little to no eye contact, body facing away, not speaking up
  • Which communication style is this? "Shut up and do your work"
  • What does assertive body language look like?
    Eye contact, respecting personal space, inside voice
  • Which communication style is this? "I want to help you but I already have a lot of work to do."
  • Which communication style is this? "I understand you are worried, but your words are hurting me"
  • What is the difference between passive, aggressive, and assertive communication?
    Passive meets the needs of others, aggressive meets the needs of oneself, assertive allows for one's needs and the needs of others to be met.
  • Ian is mad at Joe for making fun of him, but he doesn't say anything. What communication style is this?
  • Which communication style is this? "Ok I will do your work for you before my own."
  • What does aggressive body language look like?
    Fixed eye contact (frowning), invading other's personal space, raised voice