
G6T2-M1 U1-Slow and steady wins the race

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  • (C-E)但是当Kitty离开的时候,那只老熊吃光了她的鱼。(Hing: eat up)
    But when Kitty left, the old bear ate all her fish up.
  • (C-E) 什么意思?你想表达什么?
    What do you say?
    What are you meaning?
    What do you mean?
    What you mean?
  • ______ I want to do something well, I _________ (be) careful and patient.
    If, am
    If, should be
    When, shouldn't be
    Because, can't be
  • (C-E) Lucy 说她明天会去香港迪士尼乐园。
    Lucy said she would go to Hong Kong Disneyland tomorrow.
  • (C-E) 如果我不努力工作的话,我的老板会生气的。(Hint: boss)
    If I don't work hard, my boss will be angry.
  • (C-E) 那只老虎说了他会把那只猴子也吃掉。(Hint: objective clause)
    The tiger says he is eating the monkey too.
    The tiger says he would eat the monkey.
    The tiger said he would eat the monkey too.
    The tiger said he will eat the monkey too.
  • You __________ (like) that silly hare. (你就像那只傻兔子。)
    don't like
    are like
  • (C-E) 我尝试了把这本书里所有的英语单词都记住。(Hint: past tense)
    I tried to remember all the English words in this book.
  • (C-E) 不要骄傲。
    Be proud.
    Don't to be proud.
    Don't be proud.
    Don't proud.
  • (C-E) 我会帮你照看你的花的。(Hint: look after)
    I am looking after your flowers.
    Look after your flowers.
    I will look after your flowers.
    I look after your flowers.
  • (C-E) 我们应该更努力学习。
    We study harder.
    We should study harder.
    We want to study harder.
    We should study hard.
  • _________ (cut) too fast. It's dangerous.
    Don't cut
    Don't cutting
    To cut
  • (C-E) 不要不开心。不要悲伤。
    Don't be sad.
    Don't sad.
    No sad.
    Not be sad.
  • (C-E) 那只慢吞吞但谨慎细心的乌龟赢得了赛跑。
    The slow but careful tortoise won the race.
    The slow but careful hare won the race.
    The slow and careful tortoise won the race.
    The slow but careful tortoise wins the race.
  • (C-E) 你为什么这么匆匆忙忙的?
    Why do you in hurry?
    Why are you in hurry?
    Why are you in such a hurry?
    Why do hurry?
  • (C-E) 去跟你的朋友们玩吧。(Hint: two verbs)
    Go and play with your friends.
  • (C-E) 昨天上午,Kitty 抓到了很多鱼。
    Yesterday morning, Kitty caught a lot of fish.
  • (C-E) 兔子确信他将会获胜,所以他休息了一下。(Hint: objective clause)
    The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest.
  • (C-E) 当乌鸦唱歌的时候,那块肉就掉到地上了。(Hint: crow)
    When the crow sang, the meat fell on the ground.
    When the meat sang, the crow fell on the ground.
    When the crow sings, the meat falls on the ground.
    When the crow was singing, the meat was falling.
  • (C-E) 他就像那只缓慢但耐心的乌龟。
    He is like that slow but patient tortoise.
  • (C-E) 如果你想要变得健康,你应该多做运动。
    If you want to be healthy, you should do more exercise.