
Chapters 4-5

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  • Why were the boys now, 'really famous'?
    The people in the village thought the boys had drowned and died
  • Why did Tom become famous in St. Petersburg?
    Because he saved Muff's life.
  • What great idea did Tom Sawyer have?
    Go to the church during the funeral and surprise everyone.
  • What did Tom and Huck take to Muff in prison?
    Something to eat
  • What kind gesture did Muff Porter do for Tom once?
    He helped Tom with his kite.
  • Why did Huck think Muff Porter was a kind man?
    He once gave him a half fish.
  • What surprised Tom at Muff Porter's trial?
    The lawyer called him to testify.
  • Who kissed Huck Finn at the funeral?
    Aunt Polly
  • Why did Tom feel good after his testimony?
    He told the truth and Huff Porter was now found to be innocent.
  • What exciting adventure did Tom, Huck Finn and Joe Harper plan for the summer?
    Be pirates on Jackson's Island.
  • What interesting thing did Tom hear about in the village?
    There was going to be a funeral for the boys
  • Who did Tom have dreams about?
    Injun Joe
  • Who was arrested for the murder of Dr. Robinson? Why?
    Muff Porter because his knife was found near the body of the doctor.
  • Why was Tom unhappy?
    He was having bad dreams and Becky Thatcher didn't talk to him anymore
  • What strange noise did Joe hear after eating their first breakfast?
    Two steamboats and a lot small boats on the river looking for the boys
  • What did Injun Joe take from Muff before escaping the court room?
    Muff's knife.
  • What Joe must not tell his mother, father or anyone else?
    That they were going to go to Jackson's Island at midnight.
  • What did Tom do the second night while Joe and Huck Finn slept?
    He went to the village and check on Aunt Polly, he felt bad because she was crying